Five Places to Drink Wine on National Wine Day

Kersten Rettig: Saturday, May 25 is a notable date because, not only is it National Wine Day, it’s also my birthday! It was so very nice for the people to make up holidays out of thin air to create this day on the &%$#$th anniversary of my birth.

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And We’re Back: Food Events Ramping Up for Fall

Summer travel was prolific for many, me included, which is why there haven’t been quite as many food-related updates posted here. Now that school is back in session and Dallas is rolling into the busy social and event season, there are plenty of drinking and dining opportunities to enjoy.

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Things My Mother Taught Me

Over the years I’ve interviewed many chefs and restauranteurs and there’s a theme that keeps popping up – mothers, grandmothers, and mother figures being the inspiration, teacher, cheerleader, and guiding light in their culinary journeys. For Mother’s Day, I asked local culinarians to tell me the things their mothers taught them.

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