Do The Clothes Make The Party?

I do love a good theme party. One of my favorites is “Roaring 20s,” or any historically related theme, really. I can always dash on over to Wikipedia and check out what people of that time period wore. Nothing difficult about that.

But I just received three invitations that leave me a little stumped: How exactly do you dress for a function that requires “pajama chic” attire? Is this the one function to which you can actually wear your new pajama jeans? How about “sunset chic”? “Safari chic” is at least somewhat illustrative.

What’s the weirdest party attire request you’ve ever seen?

5 thoughts on “Do The Clothes Make The Party?

  • March 11, 2011 at 12:39 pm

    Theme parties are mostly unacceptable as they engender bullying. Who are you to throw around the term “Roaring 20s”? Lions in their 20s (as well as all age lions) don’t even have the ability to speak to defend themselves. So not only are you excluding lions that aren’t in their 20s from the fun, you are encouraging the general mocking of lions. Unacceptable.

  • March 11, 2011 at 12:47 pm

    Wear your worst bride’s maid dress. Wearing it again brought it all back- purple with puffy (Victorian) sleeves, stiff white lace accents. High collar. AND the hair was poofed professionally to bride’s liking with about 2 bottles of Aqua Net. Oh. And dyed to match heels.

  • March 11, 2011 at 1:18 pm

    Oh dear no, Merritt. That sounds awful. At least you could still fit in it, though, right? That’s got to be worth something?

  • March 11, 2011 at 1:45 pm

    A friend of mine had a New Years Eve pajama party in the early 90’s, we were all mid do late 20’s in age then. Nobody did slutty pajama’s, just comfy pajamas and robes and it was an absolute blast. Some people came through from other partys but brought their PJ’s to change into.

    You should always donate your ugly prom dresses & matching shoes to a drag queen. A good drag queen can really rock a bad prom dress.

  • March 11, 2011 at 1:45 pm

    I meant brides maid dresses – donate your bridesmaid dress & shoes to drag queens!


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