Margolin Gets a Late Challenger

It was down to the wire, but challenger Richard P. Sheridan officially filed for Dallas City Council candidacy late Monday. He will face incumbent Ann Margolin for the seat in Place 13.

Margolin’s platform consists of maintaining and strengthening neighborhood safety, enhancing the infrastructure and quality of life in the area, and spurring economic development while encouraging fiscal responsibility and transparency. Sheridan wants to abolish the Federal Reserve and the IRS.

“I definitely am a controversial person in Dallas,” he said. “I’ve been called many names, but I have a thick skin.”

Margolin, who has held the office since June 2009, has an endorsement list with indexed pages for every letter of the alphabet save for X. Sheridan, who is serving as his own campaign treasurer, ran for city council in 2005 and as a write-in candidate for mayor in 2007. He acknowledges the odds are not in his favor.

“Certainly, my chance of winning the race is slim,” Sheridan said.

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