Equest 40th Anniversary Gala Draws Royal Cameo
The sold-out Equest 40th Anniversary Gala: Celebrating 40 Years of Horse Power brought 575 people out to the new Al Hill, Jr. Arena at Texas Horse Park for dining, dancing, and horses.
Guests admired the therapy horses groomed in stylish summer cuts and braids for the occasion and posed with the Equest Mini Ambassadors, two miniature horses under 36 inches tall.
The event, chaired by Lisa and Kendall Laughlin and Katherine and Austin Wyker, raised more than $600,000 to support the agency’s work to heal children and adults with diverse needs through equine-assisted activities and therapies.
Appearing via video, Princess Anne, an Olympian equestrian and longtime advocate of equine therapies who had visited Equest in 2000, sent her warmest wishes from Buckingham Palace.
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