Community Wishes Richard Bohac A Happy Retirement
An estimated 160 cars drove by Highland Park Middle School to wish assistant principal Richard Bohac a happy retirement Monday after his 40 years of service to Highland Park ISD.
Laurence Henry, an alumnus and organizer of the makeshift parade of cars, said he played football under Bohac when he was a high school coach during the ‘80s, but Bohac has been at the middle school for the last 25 years or so.
“I think we counted about 160 cars and guessed about 500 people that included many former high school students and athletes as well as tons of current and recent middle schoolers and parents,” Henry said. “He was well-liked and respected by his athletes, students and fellow teachers. As vice principal, he taught our students how to be accountable and respectful by treating them fairly and friendly. He’s just a good guy.”