Dallas Women’s Foundation Announces Updates on Unlocking Leadership Campaign

Dallas Women’s Foundation announced updates for its Unlocking Leadership Campaign on May 30 at its Leadership Key Club dinner.
The event is hosted by Ashlee and Chris Kleinert, who serve as campaign co-chairs along with Paula and Ron Parker and Trea and Richard Yip.
The Leadership Key Club is a donor level recognizing those who have contributed $100,000 or more.
“Women make up an extremely disproportionate share of households living in poverty,” said Campaign Co-Chair Ashlee Kleinert. “In Dallas County, 34 percent of all households are headed by women. However, 54 percent of households living in poverty are woman-headed. Also, 52 percent of all professional jobs are held by women, but only 14.6 percent of executive positions are held by women. Evidence shows that investing in women is the most effective way to lift communities, companies and even countries.”
Roslyn Dawson Thompson, Dallas Women’s Foundation president and chief executive officer, gave updates on the Foundation’s key initiatives in economic security and leadership. In addition, she announced that the Oct. 30 luncheon will feature Ava DuVernay, writer, producer, director, and distributor of independent films.
DuVernay, who directed A Wrinkle in Time and Selma, will be joined onstage by Michele Norris, noted American radio journalist, former National Public Radio host, and director of TheRaceCard project, who will moderate a dialog. Co-chairs are Lael Brodsky and Tricia Miller, and honorary co-chairs are Ambassador Ron Kirk and Matrice Ellis-Kirk.
Funds from the Unlocking Leadership Campaign are earmarked for the Foundation’s primary focus areas – women’s economic security and women’s leadership.
For those interested in donating to the campaign, contact Shawn Wills, Dallas Women’s Foundation senior vice president of development, at swills@dallaswomensfoundation.org or 214-525-5318.