Scots Raising Funds With Raising Cane’s
For years, the Highland Park football team has seen other groups raise funds before its Friday night home games. Belles, cheerleaders, basketball — worthy causes all. But this year, the Scots have decided to get into the fundraising action themselves.
Thus, the team will host an inaugural supper and silent auction from 5 to 7 p.m. Friday at the HPHS cafeteria, prior to its nondistrict game against Prosper. The menu from Raising Cane’s will include chicken fingers, slaw, fries, and dessert.
The fundraiser will supplement other efforts throughout the year, including the team’s annual car wash, advertising sales, and a smaller auction held in area homes. The money goes toward purchasing new equipment, spirit items, and broadcast time, among other things.
At any rate, it sounds like a good deal to us. Tickets are $10, available in advance from any football player or at the door, for dine-in or take-out. And there’s even a drive-through option in the teacher parking lot beginning at 4:30 p.m. Friday.