Have You Seen This Missing Diamond?

On Saturday afternoon, a University Park woman and her daughter went to Highland Park Village to eat lunch and shop. When they returned home at 3:30 p.m., the daughter noticed that a 2-carat pear-shaped diamond was missing from her mother’s wedding band.

The mother last recalls seeing the stone, which is valued somewhere between $15,000 and $20,000, while eating at Patrizio. She called all of the stores they visited, as well as the Highland Park Department of Public Safety, just in case someone finds it and turns it in.

Now that would be a story.

One thought on “Have You Seen This Missing Diamond?

  • April 14, 2014 at 5:41 pm

    My dad lost his hearing aide a couple of weeks ago at the Bush Library. Some wonderful person found it turned it in and they had it nicely wrapped at the gift shop. The next morning we retraced our steps and found they had found it in the Bush Gift Shop so we thankfully reclaimed our $1700 hearing devise. Thanks to all who helped!


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