LCD Soundsystem Doc to Play One Night at Angelika

Just to get this out of the way, most of you will most likely not care about this post. But Dan lets us indulge our personal interests on this here blog, so I’m taking that opportunity now.

The best band of the past 10 years, LCD Soundsystem, called it quits last year. To do so, they hosted a farewell show at Madison Square Garden — the greatest arena in the world — and generally killed it over the course of four hours.

Those four hours — and hours and hours before and after — are now in the new documentary Shut Up and Play The Hits. And that documentary is playing in theaters for one night, July 18. And one of those theaters is the Angelika. And tickets go on sale June 8.

You should go.

(h/t to my boy, Preston Jones at the Star-Telegram)

One thought on “LCD Soundsystem Doc to Play One Night at Angelika

  • May 29, 2012 at 2:04 pm

    I’m still kicking myself for not seeing LCD Soundsystem at the Palladium two years ago. Caught them at ACL that fall, but still feel like I dropped the ball.

    And if the Angelika doesn’t sell this out, I may be singing “Dallas, I love you, but you’re bringing me down.”


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