New Update From SMU on Man in Crane

He’s still up there.

I just received an email from Kimberly Cobb, director of national media marketing with SMU, stating what we’ve already known so far.


An unidentified man continues to occupy a crane at the Residential Commons construction site at SMU. Police have contained the area and advise avoiding the southeast quadrant of the SMU Dallas campus near Mockingbird and Central.

SMU and Dallas Police continue to monitor the situation. If the situation continues through the night, SMU will provide instructions to employees in the buildings near the construction site earlyTuesday morning.  Those buildings are the Dedman Center for Lifetime Sports, Moody Coliseum, Ford Stadium, Loyd All Sports Center and Crum Basketball Center.

Kimberly Cobb

I doubt the man can stay in there forever before police and SWAT on site to do something about it.

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