Marksmen Reportedly Don’t Enjoy Hazing Speech

In the most recent issue of the student newspaper at St. Mark’s School of Texas, The ReMarker, an editorial describes the student body’s reaction to a recent hazing assembly thusly: “Students fidgeted uncomfortably and some openly flouted the speaker. It didn’t stop there. Hours after the assembly, inflamed students took to the Internet as many plastered incendiary statuses on Facebook and Gmail.”

St. Mark’s flew in a Dr. Susan Lipkins, a leading hazing expert from New York, to address hazing and bullying with students and parents on Jan. 23. When contacted by Park Cities People, Lipkins would not comment on why the school brought her in, but such a strong student reaction to her message makes the assembly seem like more than a perfunctory one.

3 thoughts on “Marksmen Reportedly Don’t Enjoy Hazing Speech

  • February 17, 2012 at 11:26 am

    I disagree with the “perfunctory” assesment. If the student body had such a strong reaction, I would imagine that there is a serious amount of hazing and that the students feel that it is their right, tradition and duty to keep the rituals alive. My thought is based on the fact that everytime we had a similar talk in middle school, high school, and college; the people who were involved with organizations that had hazing would have very strong reactions. Those that had no involvement in hazing had zero reaction, could not care less, and generally treated those talks as nothing more than a 20 minute break from normally scheduled programming.

  • February 17, 2012 at 11:26 am

    *Misread your post Claire. On the same page.

  • February 20, 2012 at 10:47 pm

    You know what would be great? If the parents involved in this much rumored event would contact Claire. Her email is No one is doing the community any kind of service by staying quiet about a horrible sexual assault. I’m sure PCP will keep your identity under wraps. This isn’t the first such incident at St. Mark’s, but without your help? It won’t be the last.


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