Rise And Shine, Park Cities (7-27-11)
1. Thieves have had the Park Cities in their sights when it comes to stealing the third-row seats and wheels off of GMC SUVs and trucks, but it appears some criminals are becoming even more brazen. In Rockwall, a group targeted an entire dealership, stealing the wheels and tires off of 35 GMC Yukons and pickups. Say you’re due to replace your Yukon or Tahoe — will these thefts keep you from getting the newest version of the ultimate mom-mobile?
2. Rosemary Rumbley will close out this summer’s Rejebian series tonight with a presentation on My Thoughts Be Bloody, the story of Abraham Lincoln’s assassin John Wilkes Booth and his rivalry with his more accomplished brother, Edwin. As always, Rejebian reviews start at 7 p.m. in Wesley Hall.
3. It’s never too early to learn how to maximize your chances at getting into your first-choice college. To that end, Highland Park High School is hosting a college application workshop for rising seniors at 8 a.m. Thursday.
Just bought a new Suburban which reminds me that I need to go get Gorilla Nuts on it. It’s pathetic how theives steal just about any part they can off of GM vehicles.