The End of a Magical Era
As the end of the Harry Potter franchise comes to a halt with the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, I can only describe this as a decade of waiting, waiting and more obsessive waiting. However, since the end has come, I find myself desperate for the anticipation of another movie or book. But sadly, the waiting for Harry Potter is over … forever.
The bittersweet sentiment felt as loyal fans anticipated the long-awaited arrival of the final movie was prominent in Dallas on Thursday night. Fans swept, in mass numbers, to the Inwood and NorthPark theaters to be the first to see the midnight showings. Clad in their wizarding attire, the most loyal supporters waited out the long and torturous lines to get a good seat. The lines turned out to be worth it in the end as they, finally, got to experience Harry’s quest to save the wizarding world on the big screen.
Being an extremely loyal Harry Potter fan myself, I was one of the “lucky” hundreds who waited in the seemingly endless line at NorthPark. I thought the movie was the best one yet. As expected, I was disappointed by some fairly minor left out details. But as a whole, I think Warner Bros. did an excellent job (and that is saying a lot, as I am usually highly critical of the skewing of plot lines in the previous movies). And although I foresaw months of extensive therapy to rid myself of the emptiness, I am fortunate to say I took the end of Harry Potter fairly well and cried only a couple times.
As Harry would say, mischief managed. Oh well, I guess I’ll have to re-read the books another 10 times to occupy the longing I’ll surely have for the rest of my life. Plus, rumor has it that J.K Rowling is hard at work on another book. Can she top the obsessive and often times hysterical fan base that follows Harry Potter? And the waiting begins once more …