In-N-Out Will Open in Less Than 48 Hours

If you live anywhere near the intersection of Caruth Haven and Central Expressway, prepare yourself: In-N-Out Burger is opening at 9 a.m. Thursday. That’s according to a memo that was sent to the tenants of 8080 North Central Expressway, the high-rise just north of the fast-food joint. The memo details how much security the restaurant will have on hand, and how the restaurant’s staff has assured the high-rise’s management that tenant parking will not be disrupted. Go to the jump to read it for yourself.

Well….here we go….The In-N-Out Burger restaurant is opening this Thursday, (6-23-11) at 9:00 a.m.

I have been involved in all of their meetings regarding the traffic and parking issues that their restaurant openings have and will cause both in their recent openings in Frisco and Allen and what they are expecting for this new store.

They will have 6-9 Dallas Police Officers directing traffic.  These officers will be posted at the entrances on the access road, behind their building, on Caruth Haven at the end of the driveway behind our building and various other locations on their parking lot.  They have also hired a private security company that will be maintained on the property to handle traffic and any other issues that may arise as well.  They are putting a sign at the north entrance to the parking garage that says 8080 tenants only.

They plan to have four (4) lanes of traffic come in the south side of their building off of the access road, the Police will guide them into the drive thru lane, one car at a time, they can place their order and  then the cars will come around the back and pick up their order and leave out of the north side of the building.  They have leased the DART ground underneath the tracks behind their restaurant.  They have leased a parking lot off of Greenville Avenue and they have leased some parking spaces across the street at the Nasher building.

We have leased 50 parking spaces on the 9th and 10th floors of the parking garage to the restaurant.  In addition, we have leased about 20 parking spaces in the bottom, B2 level of the parking garage for any customers who may want to come in the garage, park in the basement and walk around the building to the restaurant and get their food and then leave.  There will be an In-N-Out Burger employee at the visitor side of the parking garage gate helping everyone to get down and out of the basement.  All of these agreements are for three months and everything will be evaluated at that time.

In-N-Out has very strict instructions that NO ONE is to park anywhere but on the top two levels and level B2 in the garage.  The Police, their security officers and our security offices are very aware of what to expect.

They are also aware, that if this agreement affects any tenants in the 8080 Building in any way, we will immediately take another look at the situation and change it.  In-N-Out Burger wants to be a good neighbor, they are very aware of what happens at their grand openings and they are very aware, that the 8080 tenants come first and foremost when it comes to the parking garage.

Hopefully, everything will go very smoothly, but they are prepared to instantly change things around.

19 thoughts on “In-N-Out Will Open in Less Than 48 Hours

  • Pingback:In-N-Out on Central to Open in Less Than 48 Hours | SideDish

  • June 21, 2011 at 10:48 am

    I was driving past the one in Allen at 5:00 on Saturday. The cars were looped around the building in the drive-thru line about 3 times. And this is roughly a month after it opened and it wasn’t even dinner time yet.

  • June 21, 2011 at 11:06 am

    Dan, Corby had a scoop! Who knew?

  • Pingback:In-N-Out on Central in Dallas to Open in Less Than 48 Hours | SideDish

  • June 21, 2011 at 1:27 pm

    I work in 8080 N. Central Expressway & confirm that the parking garages will not be open to anyone as the memo reads. I can verify that the memo above is correct; however, the only people allowed to park in the 8080 garage will be In N Out management members/employees.

    I plan on celebrating the opening day of In N Out Burger on Thursday by dining at Chick-fil-a nearby.

  • June 21, 2011 at 1:57 pm

    Our daughter went to college in far Northern California, she graduated last year and is back living here. Two of her college buddies were in town Sunday and came to our fathers day shindig. Our daughter mentioned that In & Out was coming soon near us and it was causing an all out frenzy. The 3 of them reminisced about how groups of them used to get together and drive 3 hours to the nearest In & Out from their small college town. I guess the hysteria isn’t just here, Californians act nuts about it too.

    Can you find out if the frenzy has died down at all now at the locations that opened in the ‘burbs a month or two ago? I’m wondering how long it will be until we can go get a burger without dealing with a nightmare crowd.

  • June 21, 2011 at 3:22 pm

    We had In-And-Out 3 times in California over spring break; it’s quite good, but definitely still fast food. It’s also cheap. Side note: when Krispy Kreme opened their 1st Dallas store, you would have thought the Stones were opening for the Beatles, there was so much traffic, security and mayhem. Hope it dies down soon!

  • June 21, 2011 at 5:10 pm

    So, I just returned from Southern California, and I had In-n-Out a couple of times, and … sorry, folks, sometimes a hamburger is just a hamburger.

  • June 21, 2011 at 11:12 pm

    Another memo was sent out. NO CUSTOMERS will park in the parking garage. If you are going to publish memos for building tenants you should make sure they are up to date.

  • June 22, 2011 at 5:40 am

    The In-n-Out in Allen dies down around 10pm cst or so. It only took us about 10 mins to get through the drive through line. At 10pm there was an associate that would take your order prior to the drive through speaker but around 12am, it’s just the speaker where you order. Gotta get this: a Double Double, Animal Style with extra crispy fries – you can specify how crispy you like your fries cooked. Will go back again late night, but would NEVER EVER wait more than what I did – it’s still just fast food.

  • June 22, 2011 at 11:33 am

    Thanks @Dave! The teens in the Park Cities are already plotting thier In & Out plans, parking at a friends house on the far East end of Bryn Mawr and strolling over the highway…

  • June 22, 2011 at 11:54 am

    I went to In-And-Out Burger a few times last summer when I visited California and it was so good. I am looking forward to the one opening tomorrow.

  • June 23, 2011 at 8:27 am

    Went by there at 8 this morning and there may have been 5-6 cars in line. Looked like more security than customers.

  • June 23, 2011 at 10:45 am

    Don’t know what time they open today, but here’s there hours ongoing:

    Sunday – Thursday
    8:00 a.m.-1:00 a.m.
    Friday 8:00 a.m. – 1:30 a.m.
    Saturday 8:00 a.m. – 1:30 a.m.

    Visit our Company store at this location!

  • June 23, 2011 at 12:29 pm

    I guess all the reporting has kept people away. My mother in law just called me from the drive-thru line! She was told it would be a 20 minute wait so she’s going for it, and bringing my son and I burgers. We’ve ordered animal style & crispy fries, we’ll report back if it’s the same as we get in California.

  • June 24, 2011 at 11:33 am

    Delish, fast food delish anyway. My son and I thought it tasted exactly like it always did in California. It’s good, it’s our favorite fast food burger for sure! My mother in law and her daughter had never had it before, they liked it as well.
    My daughter and her friends went last night and it was only a 15 minute wait, service was fast & friendly, food was exactly like it always was in California for her, too.

  • April 9, 2012 at 2:26 pm

    I thinking about it, my friend Kasey she will be very happy with the Burger Restaurant…Lol…;)))


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