You Saw it Here First: CBS Picks up Story on SUV Scavengers

Just got a note from the lovely people at the Highland Park Crime Watch site. Turns out, some of the folks that have been breaking out windows and stealing the third-row seats of domestic SUVs were almost detained by HP DPS officers. We’ve covered this problem here before and in our dead tree version. It doesn’t look like thieves are likely to slow down as long as there are targets.

CBS (Channel 11) just posted a story about the problem.

HP DPS is suggesting you park in your garage, if possible. If not, park as close to your home as you can to deter would-be theives.

On July 22, 2010 at approximately 4:00am, Highland Park DPS officers came upon individuals attempting to steal the wheels from a parked GMC Yukon in Highland Park west of the Tollway. When officers attempted to stop the individuals, they fled in a vehicle. During the officers’ attempt to catch up to the vehicle they determined that the driver’s high speed, disregard of traffic lights, and reckless nature; the most prudent course of action was to terminate the pursuit.The vehicle was last seen fleeing Highland Park.

These suspects are believed to be associated with previous offenses in HP and other cities across the Metroplex. Evidence was found indicating they might return to Highland Park and try to commit the same crime, possibly stealing the third row seat, as well.

Highland Park DPS is asking everyone who drives an SUV similar to a this one to please park them in your garage or as close to your house as possible.

4 thoughts on “You Saw it Here First: CBS Picks up Story on SUV Scavengers

  • July 24, 2010 at 10:49 am

    Did the HPPD get a tag number?

  • July 24, 2010 at 10:50 am

    My hubby’s Yukon Denali was stolen and they got….yep, you guessed it…the wheels and the 3rd seat. Tried to cut the Onstar computer and dumped it ASAP. I guess there’s a market for 3rd row seats. The auto shop had to order one from out of state after an extensive search for a replacement.

  • July 25, 2010 at 3:28 pm

    @T-Bone, I asked the same question to the HP Crime Watch Officer and she said yes. There is something strange about this that doesn’t add up.

  • July 26, 2010 at 10:28 am

    Two weeks ago on the 4500 block of Livingston, there was an Escalade parked in the driveway. The vehicle was up on 4 cinder blocks with all 4 wheels tires missing. In addition, the back window where the 3rd row seat is was busted out. The fact that these people are stealing in driveways is a good enough reason to be armed and ready.

    My wife’s Yukon was broken into 3 months ago. HP DPS caught the guy, yet our belongings were never returned.

    It’s getting really bad. I can’t understand why cops don’t put out a bait vehicle or set up a sting.


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