Give ’Till It Helps: Twelfth Step Ministry Makes Its Pitch for Your Support

We reached out to this participating nonprofit and others for their ‘elevator pitch’ to potential donors. 

Read more below, and look for one or two participating nonprofits to be featured on our website daily between now and Sept. 19.

Twelfth Step Ministry

Focus: the recovery community

Twelfth Step Ministry hosts 48 Twelve Step recovery meetings a week for 18 different “Anonymous” groups. These peer-based support groups teach the Twelve Steps, principles that help people overcome substance use disorders, behavioral addictions, and other dysfunctional habits.

Our participants, adults from all over North Texas, attend an average of 2,700 meetings each month and find a “power greater than themselves” that helps them recover. Members of all faiths or of none are welcome.

“These meetings have literally saved my life,” one participant said. “I would not be here had I not walked into that room. I was done, broken, and lost, but this program helped me through some of the darkest days of my life.”

– Compiled by John Anderson, Lucy Van Meir, and Aadhya Yanamadala

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