Twelfth Step Ministry Breaks Ground on New Home

Twelfth Step Ministry recently broke ground on its new 8,800-square-foot facility at 5324 W. Northwest Highway.

The new building, known at The Phillips Family Center for Spiritual Development, will replace the 89-year-old home that the substance and behavioral addiction nonprofit operated out of for more than 30 years.

Mike Goeke, Executive Director of the Mabee Foundation, gives keynote speech at Twelfth Step Ministry’s groundbreaking ceremony.

The milestone is a culmination of eight years of planning and a multimillion-dollar capital campaign to further the ministry’s mission “to bring help, hope, and support in a safe, inclusive environment to the recovery community of North Texas.” The nonprofit has raised 95% of its fundraising goal and continues to look for community support to close it out.

The J.E. & L.E. Mabee Foundation issued a $1.5 million challenge grant, which Twelfth Step Ministry achieved.

“John and Lottie Mabee believed in supporting organizations that help people move from current difficult places in life to places of hope and freedom and opportunity,” Mabee Foundation executive director Mike Goeke said. “The Mabee Foundation Board of Trustees saw such an organization in the Twelfth Step Ministry, and we are excited to be a part of the changed lives that will result from what happens in this new building.”

To learn more about Twelfth Step Ministry and its programs, visit

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