Health Enthusiasts Take Their Seats at the Ozone Bar

Popular in Europe, ozone treatment has found its way into celebrities’ homes and Dallas residents’ personal-care routines.

“We’re all about sweating, detox, building your immune system, building your oxygen level — an overall lifestyle.” said Ozone Bar owner Laura Harbison. Her spa in Inwood Village offers rejuvenating, immune-boosting, detoxing ozone treatments.

With today’s pandemic reaching thousands every day, it is essential to keep your immune system strong and the toxins away, she said.

But what is ozone, and what benefits does it have?

Ozone is a form of activated oxygen [O(3)] used in gas or liquid form. The spa touts its use for benefiting the immune system, fighting diseases and cancers, purifying skin, obtaining anti-aging results, burning fat, and detoxifying cells.

“Since doing this, I have noticed a huge difference in inflammation all over my body. I sleep a lot better.”

Brooke Williamson, customer

The Ozone Bar offers four services: Hocatt — only found at Ozone Bar in the Dallas area — Infrared Sauna, Dermashape Lymphatic treatment, and Ozone Sauna.

The Ozone Sauna has you sit in a case that pumps warm to hot adjustable temperatures of O3 throughout the machine and onto your body. While ensuring you don’t inhale the gas allows your pores to open and the toxins in your body to release.

The Infrared Sauna is similar to a traditional sauna, except it uses light wavelengths to heat the sauna and go into the tissues of your body. The Ozone Bar’s infrared sauna has three spectrum options, far, mid, and near, each serving different purposes to your health.

The Dermashape treatment uses heat and cupping therapy to help circulate lymph nodes and release toxins. Another bonus is that it helps with cellulite.

The Hocatt Sauna is similar to the Ozone Sauna but contains all the treatments in one application. It contains ozone therapy, light therapy, carbonic acid to boost oxygen levels, infrared, and PEMF – radio frequencies – meant to help with pain, inflammation, and other conditions.

While sitting in these treatments and soaking up the ozone, the Ozone Bar provides televisions and iPads in the rooms so you can enjoy your time and relax with your favorite show or movie. Staffers also serve Ozone water and Kombucha tea, a bacterial drink that has various health benefits.

“When I first started coming, I was feeling very sluggish, a little bit of brain fog, and I was inflamed,” said regular customer Brooke Williamson. “Since doing this, I have noticed a huge difference in inflammation all over my body. I sleep a lot better.

“And even from my friends that have come here too, whatever they’re specifically dealing with, it seems to help them.”

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