Local Teachers Star in Art Exhibit that Opens Tonight
When I interviewed Greenhill photography teacher Frank Lopez for our Sept. 14 back-to-school section, I was pretty taken by his own smoky, unique art — some of which I saw in person, more of which I coveted on his website, and still more of which I read about in a Dallas Observer writeup about the 2011 MasterMind Awards. Turns out I’m not the only person who’s wishing for a spot in one of the man’s classes.
Anyway, I just asked Lopez if he has any ongoing exhibitions, and he does; the Artist as Teacher/Teacher as Artist group show is actually happening right now, with a 6 p.m. opening reception tonight in Hockaday’s Purnell Gallery.
Big bonus: it includes other faculty members from schools all over our paper’s coverage area — ESD, Parish, St. Mark’s, and many others.