Rise and Shine, Park Cities (5-10-11)
1. I was lucky enough to attend the Dalai Lama’s speech at SMU yesterday, and one thing struck me more than anything else: dude’s funny. Not, like, Dave Chappelle funny, but he busted out a few one-liners that had the high schoolers in attendance giving more than a courtesy chuckle. More on His Holyness’ visit in Friday’s paper.
2. It seems that Highland Park is inching closer to approving a plan for its long-simmering Town Hall/Department of Public Safety renovation. During Monday’s meeting Councilmembers and architects were squarely on the same page for the first time in months, highlighting a momentum the Council hopes to keep going until the final plans are drafted. Still no final decisions, but I could see them coming in the next month.
3. I’ll be heading to a cops and courts reporting conference sponsored by the Texas Center for Community Journalism in a few weeks. Anyone have anything cops/courts-related you think we should write about more?
“Anyone have anything cops/courts-related you think we should write about more?”
Why were all those motorcycle cops out on Hillcrest again today? Did the Dalai Lama stick around?