Dallas Animal Services Nears Milestone

Dallas Animal Services (DAS) is on track to reach a 90% live release rate for January, a significant milestone not seen since October 2020. With a current 91% live release rate for cats and dogs, the municipal animal shelter is closer than ever to reaching BeDallas90 — an essential benchmark in their commitment to saving lives. 

According to DAS, the kennels are at 130% capacity, though that figure does not account for the 24  kennels that are not in use due to flooring repairs in progress. As of January 22, 400 dogs are sharing 283  kennels.  For the fiscal year to date (Oct. 1 – present), DAS stands at an overall 87.5% live release rate for cats and dogs.   

“Our staff, volunteers and advocates have been working tirelessly to save lives. While  we may not yet be at the point  where  sustaining a 90% live release rate consistently month-to-month is possible, it would truly be a huge morale boost to achieve this milestone for  the month of January,” said Mary Martin, Assistant Director of DAS.   

“The support we’ve received from all levels of the community, from individual Dallas residents to our partner organizations, is outstanding,” said Paul Ramon, Director of DAS. “We truly  wouldn’t be here without our supporters like Operation Kindness and others. Today, we are asking those who have not yet gotten involved, to take that leap and join the fight in saving lives.”  

The shelter’s current biggest need is for temporary fosters. Housing an adult dog for a week or more can  greatly improve the pet’s chances for  adoption and opens up a kennel for the 50–75 dogs that arrive daily at DAS.   

Anyone interested in fostering can come to the shelter during operating hours or sign up at BeDallas90.org.   

One thought on “Dallas Animal Services Nears Milestone

  • January 27, 2025 at 4:17 pm

    I hope that Claudia Carson-Habeeb’s heartfelt article will elicit temporary foster care for many dogs.


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