Greenhill’s Design+Innovation Program Sparks Invention
Isabel (Isa) Tanner, a junior at Greenhill School, set out to redefine hydration for elite athletes, imagining a future where these athletes no longer rely on generic sports drinks but instead have custom hydration tailored to their needs in real time.
Isa’s journey began in her Design Thinking to Open Entrepreneurship course within Greenhill’s Design + Innovation program last year. During the ethnographic research phase of the course, Isa made a discovery: Elite athletes need tailored electrolyte replenishment to maintain peak performance. Inspired by this insight, Isa set out to design a groundbreaking hydration system for athletes.

Her patent-pending invention includes a microfluidic patch designed to capture an athlete’s sweat, analyze it using specific chemical indicators, and communicate results through an app. The data triggers a delivery system in a water bottle to release the exact blend of electrolytes customized to the athlete’s individual needs, ensuring top athletic performance.
In April, Isa’s innovation impressed a panel of executives at Greenhill’s inaugural What’s NEXT Pitch event where she earned a $3,000 prize to push her project forward. The funding allowed her to develop a proof-of-concept for her invention.
Leveraging her 3D modeling skills and access to a professional grade stereolithography (SLA) 3D printer in Greenhill’s Design + Innovation Lab, Isa produced an initial microfluidic patch with channels as small as 1mm. With early tests showing promise, the innovator is now focusing on developing a functional delivery mechanism to complete the system.
Sights set on having a working prototype by March 2025, Isa is determined to redefine hydration for elite athletes and open doors to next-level, personalized athletic performance.
“Isa exemplifies the principles we strive to instill in the Design + Innovation program at Greenhill: strategically identifying and solving the right problems while embracing uncertainty. Her work has ignited a passion that drives her to independently explore advanced concepts, such as microfluid design and material delivery systems. For both Isa and Greenhill, this is just the beginning,” shared Matt Abbondanzio, Greenhill’s director of design + innovation.