People Newspapers Won’t Follow Dallas Country Club’s Media Policy

EDITOR’S NOTE: This editorial originally appeared in the August 2023 print editions of “Park Cities People” and “Preston Hollow People.” We are publishing it again because of recent incidents.

In journalism, the building blocks of stories are the five Ws and an H: Who? What? When? Where? Why? and How?

Dallas Country Club members want media outlets to begin leaving out the Where whenever the Where is the DCC.

Julie Brauer Cope, DCC director of catering, sent People Newspapers the details during the summer of 2023:

In an effort to protect our club’s privacy and to promote the safety of our members, guests, and employees, we have adopted a new confidentiality, email, and social media policy.

Moving forward, if we see postings regarding Dallas Country Club (i.e., hashtags, comments, posts, location check-ins, etc.), we will be contacting the member hosting the event regarding their guests, vendors, and/or contractors to ask that these postings be removed. This policy extends to digital publications like “Park Cities Blog,” “My Sweet Charity,” and the “Dallas Morning News,” among others.

Although we know we can’t control all content that is posted, we respectfully request that you please consider our request and refrain from posting our name or photos of our facilities. Event organizers and vendors working directly at the Club for an event will be required to sign this media policy.

In a follow-up email, she elaborated, “Yes, pictures can be taken. We just ask that Dallas Country Club is not mentioned or tagged.”

NOTE: People Newspapers’ editors do not intend to comply with the Dallas Country Club’s media policy. Newsmakers might want to keep that in mind when choosing venues for their events.

William Taylor

William Taylor, editor of Park Cities People and Preston Hollow People, shares a name and a birthday with his dad and a love for community journalism with his colleagues at People Newspapers. He joined the staff in 2016 after more than 25 years working for daily newspapers in such places as Alexandria, Louisiana; Baton Rouge; McKinney; San Angelo; and Sherman, though not in anywhere near that order. A city manager once told him that “city government is the best government” because of its potential to improve the lives of its residents. William still enjoys covering municipal government and many other topics. Follow him on Twitter @Seminarydropout. He apologizes in advance to the Joneses for any angry Tweets that might slip out about the Dallas Cowboys during the NFL season. You also can reach him at For the latest news, click here to sign up for our newsletter.

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