Park City Club Celebrates 40th Anniversary in Style

Its perch above the Dallas skyline boasts an impressive circumferential view of the city.

The Park City Club’s offerings of prawns, carving stations, and their oh-so-good-chili with a side of sour cream and Fritos, made the 40th anniversary event memorable for its members — many referring to the longtime staff members as “family,” as the lively band beckoned them to the dance floor.

PHOTO: Claudia Carson-Habeeb

“I’ve seen a lot of clubs come and go,” said member Billy Fields, “but here, the lovely ambiance and impeccable service is always constant.”

Of the cityscape outlook, Field’s wife, Cherie remarked, “I’ve always loved the views, especially since I can see my mom’s house from up here.”

The White Family posed for a multi-generational snapshot, a member of the treasured Park City Club’s staff, Ruben Castillo, joining the family photo to commemorate its 40th anniversary celebration.

“There was a young lady who welcomed my parents in 1989,” recalled Park City Club member Nancy White, “and for 36 years they came here — and later, she was the one who remembered just what my father could eat.”

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