Real Talk: Stephen H. Kotler

Sometimes a young man needs to try the wrong career before embarking on a successful one.

For New Jersey native Stephen Kotler that meant relocating to Aspen in 1982 to open a restaurant with his father at the base of Ruthie’s Run, a well-known Colorado ski run.

“I soon realized that hospitality was not my true passion, so I decided to move to New York City to pursue a career in real estate,” he said.

Almost like magic, that move made all the difference.

“I have been working in various capacities in real estate for more than 30 years and still love what I do every day,” said Kotler, the CEO of Brokerage for the Western Region (California, Colorado, Nevada and Texas) of Douglas Elliman.

He relocated this year to Highland Park from Los Angeles.

What do you like best about Highland Park so far?

The people! Everyone is very friendly, and it feels like a tight-knit community.

If you could go back in time and give yourself any advice, what would it be?

I would tell myself to be extremely intentional about growing my network. Relationships are a huge part of the real estate business, so it’s important to build strong ones and continue engaging with others. 

What is the best thing about working in real estate? 

I love that every day is different in real estate, so you constantly have to reinvent yourself. There are always various obstacles to overcome and new areas to grow yourself in. I also enjoy the coaching and mentorship aspect as I have found immense value in both learning from and guiding others in the industry.

What is your outlook on the Dallas market? 

In my opinion, Dallas is one of the most exciting cities for real estate and is even outpacing many other luxury markets in the country. I am extremely optimistic about the market, so much so that I relocated here from Los Angeles at the beginning of this year. Individuals and companies, including new restaurants, shops, and national hospitality brands, continue to move to Dallas, and I don’t foresee that stopping anytime soon. The increasing demand paired with limited inventory makes it primed for continued growth. 

What’s a fun fact about yourself?

At 15 years old, I landed my first job as a magician performing at children’s birthday parties and bar mitzvahs under the name “Stephen the Magnificent” with my dove, Trixie. I learned important qualities such as responsibility and accountability, and how to manage a business.

William Taylor

William Taylor, editor of Park Cities People and Preston Hollow People, shares a name and a birthday with his dad and a love for community journalism with his colleagues at People Newspapers. He joined the staff in 2016 after more than 25 years working for daily newspapers in such places as Alexandria, Louisiana; Baton Rouge; McKinney; San Angelo; and Sherman, though not in anywhere near that order. A city manager once told him that “city government is the best government” because of its potential to improve the lives of its residents. William still enjoys covering municipal government and many other topics. Follow him on Twitter @Seminarydropout. He apologizes in advance to the Joneses for any angry Tweets that might slip out about the Dallas Cowboys during the NFL season. You also can reach him at For the latest news, click here to sign up for our newsletter.

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