No More Warnings

Less than two weeks after an electric scooter accident left a teen in critical condition, University Park has told residents that violators of its electric bicycle and motorized scooter regulations will no longer just receive warnings, but will be subject to citation.

Violators under the age of 17 who receive citations will have to appear with a guardian in court, according to a News Flash that has been emailed to residents, posted on the city’s website, and posted on the city and police department’s Facebook pages.

HPISD schools have sent emails reminding parents of the regulations. The McCulloch Intermediate/Highland Park Middle School campus’ student resource officer has also made an announcement to students about the laws.

Electric scooters have been banned from all University Park rights-of-way since 2009 due to safety concerns. 

During consideration of the August 2009 ban, then Mayor Pro Tem Syd Carter said he didn’t want the public “to think we’re trying to be a nanny to the city.” But he noted that he had been hit by a scooter. He cited the experience of a resident who had almost hit a child who darted out into the street on one.

In 2018, the city’s ordinance was amended to permit scooter riders 18 and older to operate on certain streets and sidewalks around the SMU campus after a request from the university, its student body president, and its student senate.

Highland Park also banned electric scooters in 2018 due to safety concerns.

According to University Park’s News Flash, the city’s 2023 electric bike ordinance states that:

  • E-bike operators and riders under the age of 16 must wear a helmet.
  • No bicycles or e-bikes may be operated on sidewalks in commercial districts, and no e-bikes may be operated on any sidewalks in the city.
  • E-bikes must be operated at a speed reasonable to surrounding conditions.

In the News Flash, the city also reminded residents that:

  • Bicyclists (including electric bikes) must follow all road laws.
  • A person riding a bicycle should only ride on the seat of the bicycle, and there is only one rider permitted per seat.
  • Lights are required on all bicycles, and the use of lights is mandatory at night.

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