Park Cities Remembers Sept. 11 First Responders

By Colton Stroud / Contributor

On the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, SMU hosted a ceremony in honor of the first responders and individuals who lost their lives in the terror attacks 23 years ago.

PHOTO: Colton Stroud

The ceremony was attended by SMU police, the Highland Park Department of Public Safety, which includes both fire and police services, and University Park police and fire services. The ceremony began with the posting of colors, following which HP Mayor Will C. Beecherl spoke on the importance of first responders. 

“It’s men and women, first responders like yourselves, that keep this country safe and free,” Beecherl said, speaking to the officers gathered to his left. “Every day when you’re on the job, you put yourself on the line. We applaud you, and are very grateful for your service.”

Following remarks from UP Mayor Tommy Stewart and SMU Rev. Lisa Garvin, HP Fire Chief Randy Howell led a moment of silence before the ceremonial ringing of the bell.

“We utilize this tradition to reflect honor, and respect, on those who have given so much, and have served so well,” Howell said. “Those who have selflessly given their lives for the good of their fellow man, their tasks completed, their duties well done, are going home.”

As the last toll of the bell rang out, “Amazing Grace” was performed by a member of the UP fire department.

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