Fans Can Support the Scots at Auction and Caniac Supper

Hopes are high for the Scots this year, and fans can give the home team a boost from Sept. 16 to 21 during the 11th annual Highland Park Football Auction & Caniac Supper.

Funds raised during the auction and supper will support the needs of the football program, including new jerseys and GPS vests with player performance tracking, as well as continuing education and support for coaching staff.

The Highland Park football online auction is scheduled from Sept. 16 to 21. Click HERE to register and place bids. Hungry football fans can grab a Cane’s chicken tender meal on Sept. 20 prior to the varsity home game against Cherry Creek. 

Fans can dine in the Highland Park High School cafeteria from 5 to 6:30 p.m., or take off with take-out chicken tenders from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Click HERE to reserve a meal.

Caniac Supper Chairs are Rochelle Cullum and Jessica Jones, and HP Football Auction Chairs are Brynn Allday and Marea McMurray.

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