Tracy Lange

The first-time honoree has lived in Dallas for more than 20 years and is married with two children. After a successful career in telecommunications, she switched her focus to philanthropy and other business ventures. She is actively involved in Luke’s Fastbreaks, a nonprofit founded by her son, Luke, who was diagnosed with pediatric cancer when he was 8. Luke’s Fastbreaks restores dignity to young cancer patients by replacing their hospital gowns with unique medical shirts. She is also a supporter of Family Gateway and Family Legacy. 

Tell us about yourself, your work, your family, and your connection to the Dallas community.   

I have lived in Dallas for over 20 years, am married, and have two children, Luke and Livia. After a successful career in telecommunications, I made a change to focus more on philanthropy and other business ventures. 

Is this your first time to be recognized at the 10 Best Dressed Annual Fashion Show and luncheon? If not, how many times have you received this recognition?  

This is my first year.

What charities are you currently supporting and why?  

I am actively involved in Luke’s Fastbreaks, a pediatric cancer gown alternative. My son Luke founded the non-profit to help other pediatric cancer patients. In addition, Family Gateway and Family Legacy – while different, they focus on helping improve the lives of both our city’s and our world’s most vulnerable youth.  

Do you have past charitable involvement that you would like to highlight? 

Our son Luke was diagnosed with pediatric cancer when he was eight, and once he was in remission we knew as a family it was our calling to help pediatric cancer patients.  

What are you most excited for in regards to Dallas philanthropy in 2024-2025? 

Crystal Charity Ball is the pinnacle when it comes to helping children in our community. The work they have done and continue to do to help improve the lives of children inspires each of us to want to do more.  

What is your favorite eatery to get dressed up for?  

Bob’s Steakhouse on Lemmon. My husband Ben and I went on our first date there, and we have celebrated so many special occasions at this iconic Dallas spot. 

Tell us about your all-time favorite piece of clothing.  

Anything from Michael Faircloth. It’s equally about the process of working with Michael to create a look and watching it come to life.  

What cosmetic is always in your purse? 

Lipstick and powder 

 What fashion statement this year do you like, and why?   

I love Friendship Bracelets. They are personalized fashion statements that work for everyone. 

 What is your fashion motto?

“Wear what you love.” 

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