Help Daisy Find a Forever Family

A six-month-old puppy was pushed out of a car on Aug. 22 and abandoned on a street in University Park.

Fortunately for the puppy, she was dropped off in front of Sandy Maltese’s home. The 64-year-old grandmother went outside because her dogs were barking and found the puppy, who had been trying to chase after the car that had left her.

“Come here,” Maltese said. The puppy ran to her. Maltese called the police, who scanned for a chip and did not find one. They offered to take the puppy to the pound, but Maltese was concerned about what would happen to the dog and declined.

Instead, Maltese took the puppy inside, and her granddaughter named her Daisy. 

Since her arrival, Daisy has charmed Maltese with her adorable looks and warm personality. Daisy loves to play, nap, and snuggle, Maltese said. She walks well on a leash and gets along with Maltese’s two other dogs. She wants to follow directions, but is still a puppy who chews and plays. Not knowing Daisy’s birthdate, Maltese chose Valentine’s Day.

“Daisy has a great personality,” Maltese said. “She is chill, but she can be feisty and fun, and silly,”

Maltese, who is raising her granddaughter as a single parent, already has two dogs and there’s no room for a third in her apartment. She has found Daisy a foster family until October. Now, Maltese hopes to find Daisy a loving family with children 12 or older who have a yard, but will let Daisy live inside.

Maltese has gotten Daisy all of her vaccines and heartworm prevention treatment at the Texas Coalition for Animal Protection. Now, she just needs training, chew toys, and love.

Those interested in adopting Daisy can contact Maltese at

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