Anne McPherson

The three-time honoree and SMU grad has lived in Dallas for the past 30 years. She and her husband, John, have four grown sons. She is a strong supporter of the Callier Center for Communication Disorders. Two of her sons have hearing loss and have been patients there for more than 20 years. She also supports the Salvation Army, is a past member of the Cattle Baron’s Ball, and has served on the board at Readers 2 Leaders, the Dallas Alumnae Association of Kappa Kappa Gamma, and La Fiesta de las Seis Banderas.

Tell us about yourself, your work, your family, and your connection to the Dallas community.

I grew up in the Dallas area, attended SMU, and after four years out of state, have lived in Dallas for the past 30 years. My husband, John, and I have four adult sons.

Is this your first time to be recognized at the 10 Best Dressed Annual Fashion Show and luncheon? If not, how many times have you received this recognition?

This is my third year as a Best Dressed.

What charities are you currently supporting and why? 

I am a big supporter of the Callier Center for Communication Disorders as two of our sons have hearing loss and have been patients there for over 20 years.

Do you have past charitable involvement that you would like to highlight?

I also support the Salvation Army and have been on the Board at Readers to Leaders, the Dallas Alumnae Association of Kappa Kappa Gamma, and La Fiesta. I am a past member of the Cattle Baron’s Ball.

What is your favorite eatery to get dressed up for?

We love walking to dinner at Le Bilboquet

Tell us about your all-time favorite piece of clothing.

White jeans. They go with everything for so much of the year.

What cosmetic is always in your purse?

Lip gloss

What fashion statement this year do you dislike, and why?

Oversized clothing. I think I am too short for it, and it looks slouchy and uncomfortable.

What is your fashion motto?

Wear what you feel good in and makes you feel the most confident.

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