Club Kids HP Takes Classroom Outside

Students will leave their laptops, desks, and chairs behind when they go to this afterschool program. And forget the walls, as well.

Veteran teacher Allyson Harrison plans to open Club Kids HP in September at Curtis Park, and she hopes students leave each day with finished homework and improved problem solving and social skills, as well as the occasional dirty clothes.

“I want it to seem like, ‘Hey, you know what? My mom drops me off at the park once a week, and I get to go hang out with friends, and this is awesome,’” she said. “That’s what I want and not that feeling of a targeted tutoring session.”

Harrison has almost 20 years of teaching experience and is certified in general education, special education, gifted and talented, and ESL. The University Park resident has taught in HPISD, the Dallas International School, and The Kessler School, among other programs.

Club Kids HP, she said, will offer an alternative to intense, high-pressure afternoon activities. Students will do academic work, as well as participate in low-stakes guided activities designed to help them with social skills, motor skills, communication, creativity, and problem solving. They’ll end each session with free play.

The club will be offered to kindergartners through sixth graders from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Each day will have a different theme: games, art, sports, or crafts. Students can sign up for as many days as they choose. Drop-ins will also be welcome.

Because of her background in education, Harrison said she can tailor instruction to the needs of each student and meet them on their level with academically-appropriate material. 

Flexibility, she said, will also be key when it comes to the weather. 

“I’m not going to have kids out in extreme weather,” Harrison said. “But if all it’s doing is drizzling, throw on your rain boots and come on, because I think there’s still so much that can be done with play-based activities in that kind of environment.”

For more information, visit the Club Kids HP website, or follow Club Kids HP on Facebook or Instagram @clubkidshp.

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