HPISD Cuts Tax Rate for Sixth Consecutive Year

HPISD’s Board of Trustees reduced the district’s tax rate for 2024-25 to $0.8669 per $100 valuation on Aug. 20 by adopting the lowest maintenance and operations tier I rate permitted by the state.

This is the district’s sixth consecutive year of tax rate reductions. Last year’s rate was $0.8927 per $100 valuation. 

The district approved a maintenance and operations tier I tax rate of $0.6169. A rate in a range of between $0.6169 and $0.6855 is permitted by the state in order to maintain tax rate equity, according to the Texas Education Agency.

Most maintenance and operations dollars, which fund daily expenses, are recaptured and sent elsewhere, assistant superintendent for business services Scott Drillette told the board.

Two sources of funding remain entirely in the district. The golden pennies approved by voters in 2021 account for $0.08 per $100 valuation of the total tax rate and also fund daily expenses, such as staff salaries. Interest and sinking, the payment of principal and interest on debts, makes up $0.17 of the total rate.

Also during the meeting:

Deputy Superintendent Shorr Heathcote told the board that HPISD hasn’t changed its cellphone usage policy. But it’s ensuring that students follow the rule that cellular devices, such as smartwatches and phones, are not visible or utilized during instructional time.

Board of Trustees vice president Bryce Benson said that his seventh grader and senior had both complained about the increased enforcement.

“I want to say to Principal Reyes and Principal Hunt, great job,” he said. “And my seventh grader suggested that I should be impeached.”

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