UP City Council Approves Playground Redesign

The University Park City Council has approved a playground replacement at Caruth Park that is sure to make a splash.

New play structures will include a record-size fish that children can walk into or climb on and nature-themed attractions. The playground will also feature ADA-accessible play equipment, swings and slides. 

The fishy redesign was selected based on a resident vote. More than 700 people weighed in on their favorite playground from among four options at events in April, May, and June, director of parks and recreation Sean Johnson told the council at its Aug. 6 meeting.

Other contenders were a standard park playground design, trendy new-age design, and a nature-themed playground sans fish.

The total cost of the replacement project will be $747,500, and construction will occur in spring 2025. A resident would like to donate between $30,000 and $40,000 to purchase the existing playground so that it can be repurposed for use by another community, Johnson said.

Also at its Aug. 6 meeting, the city council amended its sign ordinance to increase the number of banners permitted on the fencing around Hyer Elementary from four to eight. The council approved a similar amendment for University Park Elementary in June.

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