Ace the School Year: Effective Co-Parenting After Divorce 

Back-to-school can be tough for newly divorced couples, but a little planning and a lot of mutual consideration can go a long way towards a smooth path for parents and kids alike. 

For a successful school year, keep track of all important dates: school breaks, visits with the non-custodial parent, after-school activities, recitals, and routine dentist appointments. This will help you manage everything that will occupy the children’s time over the next several months. 

Ensure both parents are on all relevant email lists (PTA, teachers, scouts, sports teams, etc.) to stay informed directly about important school events, eliminating the need to rely on children for updates. 

Know Your Rights  

Child custody agreements can be one of the most challenging aspects of family law. It is essential to understand yourparental rights in Texas: 

  • The right to access to dental, medical, educational, and psychological records of your child 
  • The right to go to your child’s school activities 
  • The right to be an emergency contact for your child 
  • The right to be part of decisions about your child’s education 

Why ONDA?   

Orsinger Nelson Downing & Anderson is one of the largest family law firms in the state. The practice of family law is not just a profession, but a deeply held vocation. Every ONDA partner is board certified in Family Law by The Texas Board of Legal Specialization, demonstrating the firm’s commitment to expertise and excellence in this specialized area of law.   

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