Culture Pass Provides Free Arts Programming in Dallas

Dallas residents can transport themselves to museums filled with ancient fossils and festivals celebrating unique artists — for free — with one magic item: a library card. 

The Culture Pass Dallas program, a collaboration between the City of Dallas Public Library and the Office of Arts and Culture, allows individuals holding a Dallas Library Card (whether they live within city limits or not) to freely access various museums, exhibits, and attractions throughout the city. 

It was started in 2019 and ran for six months until COVID-19 forced the program to temporarily close. Four years later, it relaunched in time for summer. 

“I like to think of the 2019 part of the timeline as a little trial run because it was so short,” Dallas senior public information officer Ashley Guevara said. 

Members of the Dallas Public Library can reserve passes to different attractions, using the identification number on the back of their library card. Reservations are made online on Culture Pass’ website. Each library card holder can make up to three active reservations at once (after the date of one of the reservations passes, members can book another experience). 

Some attractions will be available year-round, while others, such as the recent Pegasus Film Festival, are one-time events. 

“For the organizations that partner with us, it’s another way to further amplify the programming they already have,” Guevara said. “It also helps them fill all the spots for their events.” 

Book a Culture Pass Dallas reservation here:

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