Students Invited to Apply for Free Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Students account for the costs of tuition, housing and food when planning for college, but often forget to factor in a whopping $2,500 expense — wisdom teeth extractions.

Wisdom teeth typically erupt between the ages of 17 and 25, which means that their removal needs to happen when students already have heavy expenses to consider. About 90% of young adults require the operation, as wisdom teeth growing in at an awkward angle may cause misalignment in the other teeth. 

To help offset this cost, Park Cities Oral & Maxillofacial Associates is running their annual Wisdom for Wisdom program, which will award a select number of DFW-area students a free procedure. The clinic’s owner Dr. William R. Phillips started the program five years ago.

“I was thinking that wisdom teeth extraction was an added cost that many families and students weren’t thinking about,” Phillips said. “This program helps ensure that students, especially those with financial challenges, don’t go without something they really need.”  

To apply, students must watch a video about wisdom teeth, take a brief quiz analyzing basic comprehension of the video, and answer one short answer question. Applications are due by June 30th, and the number of winners will be chosen depending on interest in the program.  

Where to apply:

Who can apply: DFW-area students 

When: Applications are accepted until June 30th

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