Congratulations, W.T. White High School Class of 2024

Students at W.T. White High School flipped their graduation cap tassels at the 2024 commencement ceremony at Alfred J. Loos Sports Complex. 

Salutatorian Evan Nguyen kicked off the speeches, celebrating the graduates and their support systems. He asked the seniors to appreciate and recognize the family and friends that believed in them during their formative years. 

“Even if you don’t believe in all that you have accomplished so far,” Nguyen said. “All it takes is to hear that one special person say they are proud of you.” 

Valedictorian Addison Hewitt, the final student speaker, acknowledged the struggles the class of 2024 faced, such as starting high school from their bedrooms during the pandemic, while simultaneously praising the resilience that these tribulations evoked in her peers. She touched upon the theme of transformation, noting how the class of 2024 athletes metamorphosed from “newly minted freshmen” to the leaders of championship sports teams. 

In a nod to their future, she encouraged the graduating class to use this strength and pioneering spirit in their futures, highlighting the importance these characteristics bring to the world. 

“Every action, whether infinitesimally small or obscenely large, has brought you to this point,” Hewitt said. “There’s a place for you in tomorrow’s future. The world is waiting on us, and I know we are ready to make our mark.”

Lance Currie, the newly elected District 1 representative on Dallas ISD’s board of trustees, echoed Nguyen’s earlier sentiments, recognizing the support families and friends provided to the class of 2024. However, he also highlighted the work of their teachers in bringing them to this point, emphasizing their commitment and care for the students. 

“When you thought that no one was thinking about or no one was worried about you,” Currie said. “One of (the teachers) was always thinking about you and will continue to think of you for the rest of your lives.”

Principal Beth Wing described the uniqueness of the class of 2024 and announced some of the records they set and accomplishments they achieved. 

Some of these include:  

  • Submitting 3,391 college applications to 250 institutions. 
  • Receiving $20.4 million in scholarship money, which is more than any other class in the history of the school (75% are pursuing further education). 
  • Half of students going to a four-year college, with another quarter going to a two-year college. 
  • Ninety-one students have already earned associates degrees. 

Following these speeches, students walked the stage, received their diplomas, and sang the alma mater song. Finally, they exited the room as official alumni of W.T. White High School, ready to make their mark on the world.

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