University Park Swears in Mayor, Council Members

University Park’s mayor and its four city council members, including new member Melissa Rieman, were sworn in at the May 7 city council meeting.

Rieman replaces outgoing city council member Liz Farley, who has served for three consecutive terms, the maximum allowed by the city’s charter.

“I want to thank everyone for entrusting me the last six years to serve this great city. It has been an honor, and I will miss it,” Farley said in her remarks at the meeting.

Farley thanked those who have served or contributed their time and talents to the city of University Park, including city staff, the members of resident advisory committees, city council members, mayor Tommy Stewart, and former mayors Harold Peek and Olin Lane. 

She quoted from Bible verse Galatians 6:9, “Let us not grow weary of doing good, for at the proper time we will reap the harvest if we do not give up,” and welcomed Rieman to the council.

Mayor Tommy Stewart, and council members Mark Aldredge, Bob Myers, and Phillip Philbin are continuing their service to the city.

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