Edgemere Senior Living Brings Lunch to First Responders
Residents and associates of Edgemere Senior Living dropped off lunches to Fire Station 27 on Oct. 26 and 27 for National First Responders Day.
This initiative started because Edgemere believes in the importance of first responders to the greater community, and resident safety and security is one of the its top priorities.
“Thankfully, we don’t need our first responders very often, but from time-to-time, the fire panel will detect something that will set off the alarms, and the firehouse responds so quickly and with concern for us,” said Edgemere Executive Director John Falldine. “They have also been more than willing to do training on fire evacuation procedures.”
Edgemere Executive Chef Hector Bonilla was present at the drop-off and made the food for the first responders. In the spring, the senior living facility will return to bring breakfast to the first responders.
“As we serve a population of older adults, we call 911 on their behalf when needed and these well-trained professionals are the ones who respond every time,” Falldine said.