
‘Gone to Dallas: The Storekeeper 1856-1861’
By Laurie Moore-Moore
Working most often requires hours of screen time, so why not rejuvenate the mind with an action-packed book? A Preston Hollow author takes readers back two centuries through the journey of a girl attempting to establish her stature in Dallas.
Moore-Moore is the founder and former CEO of The Institute for Luxury Home Marketing, co-founder of publishing, communications, and consulting business Real Trends Inc., and author of Rich Buyer, Rich Seller! The Real Estate Agents’ Guide to Marketing Luxury Homes. Her newest book became available on Oct. 4.
As reported by reviewers, the book portrays a “historically accurate essence of what early Texas was like and how committed and tenacious early settlers had to be to make it.”

‘Grayson’s Story: A NICU Pandemic Blessing’
By Charnay Parks
In 2020, the global pandemic took a toll on everyone, leaving many parents feeling alone with the struggles of sick children. Author and mother Charnay Parks of Turtle Creek wrote a children’s book based on true events involving having her newborn hospitalized at Children’s Hospital during the lockdown.
Charnay sought to create rhythm and ease within the words of her story to add elements both parents and their children could enjoy. The fun story aimed to support parents who suffered from isolation restrictions and highlighted a relatable experience Charnay had with her son.
The press release called the book a “beautifully illustrated, inspirational story” that “demonstrates the power of remaining optimistic, having faith, and being in good spirits despite uncertainty.”