How Did Local Schools Fare in Texas Rankings?
For the first time, U.S. News and World Report published rankings of public elementary and middle schools, much like the publication’s popular rankings of high schools.
“Including ranked and unranked schools, U.S. News now lists 118,332 public and private grade schools in its directory; among which U.S. News ranked 79,941 unique public grade schools in 2021,” the publication’s explainer said. “These include 47,325 schools newly ranked as elementary schools and 23,255 as middle schools – some of which are in both rankings.
“Unlike the high school rankings, there are no national rankings of elementary and middle schools,” the explainer continued. “There are overall state rankings and state rankings broken out by school district.”

Scoring was mostly dependent on student performance on math and reading/language arts state assessments. The data was sourced from the 2018-2019 school year (prior to the pandemic disruptions) from the U.S. Department of Education.
Local elementary schools in the top 500 of the Texas rankings include:
No. 1: William B. Travis Academy/Vanguard for the Academically Talented and Gifted, Dallas ISD
No. 6: Sudie Williams Talented and Gifted Academy, Dallas ISD
No. 46: University Park Elementary, Highland Park ISD
No. 59: Hyer Elementary, Highland Park ISD

No. 61: Dealey Montessori Academy, Dallas ISD
No. 106: Bradfield Elementary, Highland Park ISD
No. 167: Solar Preparatory School for Girls, Dallas ISD
No. 499: Walnut Hill Elementary, Dallas ISD

Local middle schools include:
No. 1: William B. Travis Academy/Vanguard for the Academically Talented and Gifted, Dallas ISD
No. 4: Dealey Montessori Academy, Dallas ISD
No. 9: Longfellow Career Exploration Academy, Dallas ISD
No. 40: Highland Park Middle School, Highland Park ISD
No. 62: McCulloch Intermediate School, Highland Park ISD