Student Achievements: Five To Celebrate
1. Heroes make art
Collin Chon, a fifth-grader at Greenhill School, won Best of Show in the Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) annual Student Art Contest. This year’s theme: Everyday Heroes Ride DART.
Collin’s artwork was selected from 688 entries from students in kindergarten through 12th grade. View winning entries at Also, see winning artworks at DART rail stations, on buses, inside trains, and on display at the Dallas Museum of Art and Dallas Love Field Airport.
2. Masking to save lives
At Shelton School & Evaluation Center, some of Kathleen Goree’s seventh-grade art students, including Carter Weinberg and Effie Maguire, created self-portraits of themselves wearing masks.
“My mask reflects how COVID impacted the entire world,” Maguire said.
Weisberg said, “I wear a mask to save lives.”

3. Pony Pride!
The SMU Spirit squad placed first in the Game Day D1 category at the 2021 NCA and NDA Collegiate Cheer and Dance Championship in Daytona Beach, Florida. SMU Cheer, Pom, Peruna mascot, and Mustang Band performed a game-day routine together to win the championship. Tiffany Fettinger coaches the team.

4. Great debaters
Led by Chuck Walts, director of debate and forensic activities, Hockaday School teammates: Naz Soysal, Mia Xia, and Cassie Liu won $1,500 by advancing to the semifinals of the 20th annual Brewer Foundation/New York University International Public Policy Forum (IPPF) debate competition. The competition, held virtually for the first time this year, engages high school students from around the world in written and oral debates on issues of public policy.

5. Fly Eagle Scouts, fly
Two more Boy Scouts from Troop 125, sponsored by Grace Bible Church, have achieved the rank of Eagle, the highest and most distinguished rank in Scouting:
Samuel Crawford Suarez, son of Juan and Michelle Suarez of Dallas, is a junior at the Episcopal School of Dallas. His Eagle project: building hand sanitizer dispense stands for Wesley Rankin Community Center, which provides education, health, and skills development programs to families and seniors.
Roman James Fox, 14, son of Travis and Sandra Fox, of Dallas, is completing the eighth grade at Providence Christian School. His Eagle project: installing a flagpole and building a small garden for Juliette Fowler Communities, a faith-based nonprofit founded in 1892 to serve children, youth, and elders.

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