Thursdays On Tap At The Perot
The Perot Museum of Nature and Science is open from 6-9 p.m. Thursdays for the 21 and older crowd to enjoy access to exhibits, including the Science of Guinness World Records exhibition, live music, drinks, and food trucks as part of Thursdays on Tap.
Thursdays on Tap tickets – which include admission to the museum and The Science of Guinness World Records exhibition – are $15 for members and $25 for non-members. Guests must be 21 years of age with a valid ID. Masks or face coverings are required except while eating and drinking.
The Science of Guinness World Records exhibition delves into the marvels of Guinness World Records holders and the science (and secrets) behind their triumphs. Learn what it takes to crash through these seemingly impossible ceilings and the scientific principles that explain their feats. Play the largest Pac-Man video game, get physical with reaction competitions, speed drumming, basketball, and a dance-a-thon, check out the world’s smallest handmade chess set, and much more.
For more details and to purchase tickets in advance, go to
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