Hoop Dream
St. Mark’s senior Owen Goldberg, church provide Nets for Neighbors
Need help donating your basketball hoop? Owen Goldberg can provide an assist.
The St. Mark’s School of Texas senior launched his charity, Nets for Neighbors, back in February 2020. His goal is to solicit donations from locals who have basketball hoops they don’t use anymore, then give those hoops to West Dallas Community Church, where the pastor donates them to members of the congregation who may be in need.
“I had the idea for this when I looked out my window and saw my old hoop,” Goldberg said. “I played basketball for most of my life, up until last year. So I kind of just had a basketball hoop sitting outside, and my family was about to move, and we were trying to figure out what to do with it. We didn’t just want to throw it out, so I decided to donate it. Then I just kept the idea going because I was confident there were a lot more people out there with a similar situation, just a basketball hoop they didn’t use collecting dust that could be put to better use.”
Goldberg contends now is an especially important time to give hoops to those who need one, as the COVID-19 pandemic has made it challenging to stay active and entertained.
“It’s also such a good pastime right now because when people are stuck at home, they can just go outside and play.”
Owen Goldberg
“Basketball is obviously one of the most popular sports in the U.S.,” Goldberg said. “Everyone loves it, and it’s so easy. If you have a hoop and a ball, you can play. It’s not like football, where you have to have someone to throw with. It’s also such a good pastime right now because when people are stuck at home, they can just go outside and play. And there are certainly young boys and girls who love playing basketball, and I think it’s important that whoever wants to has the opportunity to play and have fun.”
Not only has this charity allowed Goldberg to put smiles on the faces of people who receive basketball hoops, but it has also given him an insight into what it takes to launch and manage a project like this.
“It’s been cool learning what goes into making a business or charity,” Goldberg said. “I have learned a lot about the paperwork associated with it and things I would’ve never learned about otherwise. And of course, it’s important for kids to get their hoops and when they do, it means a lot to me. It’s just cool to see the game grow.”
Shooting For More: Nets for Neighbors has collected and gifted 20 basketball hoops so far. Visit netsforneighbors.org or email owen@netsforneighbors.org to donate yours.
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