Yard Improvement Proves Popular Activity During Socially Distanced Summer
With travel plans on hold and summer pastimes taking place from home, many are looking to make their outdoor spaces a refuge from pandemic stress. From taking on new gardening projects to upgrading sitting areas, the yard improvement trend shows no signs of slowing down during the summer months, especially as COVID-19 cases surge across North Texas.
Southern Botanical, a Dallas-based landscaping service company, has seen an increase in customers looking to invest in their outdoor spaces since COVID-19 struck, Residential Services Branch Manager Blake Lambert said.
“I also think people right now are looking for safety and comfort, and creating a home and personal space that reflects that,” Lambert said.
With people spending more time at home and many working remotely, Southern Botanical has seen more calls with customers looking for professional landscaping services.

“We have had an increased interest in sustainable living,” Lambert said. “We have also seen an increased interest in outdoor living spaces with patios, covered structures, and shady sitting areas.”
However, many have also been seeking advice before taking on projects themselves, Lambert said.
For those with little yard renovation experience, Lambert recommends starting small. “Do a small vegetable garden or seasonal color bed and remember soil prep is the most important step in planting,” he said.
Lambert also advised those looking to upgrade their gardens to create one that changes with the seasons by including “spring blooming plants, summer shade, fall color, and winter architecture.”
“By planning the garden out for each season you can enjoy watching it change and grow throughout the year and guests are amazed every time they visit,” Lambert said.
During the summer months, Lambert said that maintaining irrigation is the most important factor in garden and lawn care, suggesting to “water deep and less often to grow deep roots so your plants can survive the 100 plus degree days.”
Lambert said that taking up this summer activity is a “win-win” situation, since those that work on their yards improve both their gardens and their moods. “It has been proven that working in the garden increases serotonin levels which reduces stress and depression.”
“What better way to take a break from the computer by going outside and planting some flowers or mowing the lawn,” Lambert said.