Did You Know These ABCs?
As Dallas picked up speed, beloved restaurants and stores reopened their doors to the public.
Even while some stores and restaurants may restrict occupancy or remain take-out only, we still appreciate the service of these places that we missed so dearly.
To recognize these places as well as to have a little fun, we created an alphabet of places to challenge our readers.
You saw only the first letter of a store that is located in either the Park Cities or Preston Hollow. How well did you know your favorite stores and restaurants?
Was it difficult to dust off your rusty knowledge about places that you may have not been to in months? It did not seem too hard for our winner, who has been informed.
Wanna play? Subscribe to our weekly newsletters for future #PeopleAtPlay games: peoplenewspapers.com/e-newsletters/
For nearly 40 years, People Newspapers has worked tirelessly to tell the stories—good, bad, and sublime—of our neighbors in the Park Cities and Preston Hollow. To support our efforts, please contact advertise@peoplenewspapers.com for advertising opportunities. Please also consider sharing this story with your friends and social media followers.