Make Homemade Cards for Homebound Seniors

Here’s a great way to boost your mood, tap your creativity and make someone’s day at the same time.
VNA Meals on Wheels delivers meals to 4,000 homebound (aren’t we all?) seniors who enjoy receiving happy, cheerful messages via cards that VNA volunteers frequently make to be included in delivered meals.
Since schools and school groups who usually provide these cards are no longer meeting together, there is a wee bit of a shortage of cards. Here’s where you can help and it’s easy to do.
As you can see in this video, Meals on Wheels volunteer, Ben, says the cards must be made on a folder 8 ½ x 11 sheet of paper (printer paper is just fine) and just need to include a warm greeting to brighten someone’s day. Please don’t include any attachments or personal information, just a simple card will mean so much to those homebound seniors.
With new COVOD19 safety protocols and government mandates in place, VNA CEO Katherine Krause and her team have implemented a new delivery system designed to minimize health and safety risks to both volunteers and recipients. You can read more about VNA’s extraordinary organizational leadership here.
With paid staff rather than their usual delivery volunteers, homebound seniors are not able to see the same faces they’ve been accustomed to seeing, so receiving these sweet greetings will certainly lift them up.
Please bundle and drop off completed cards only on Mondays and Wednesdays between 9 am and 11 am in the marked box at the VNA/Meals on Wheels Kitchen located at 1440 W. Mockingbird Lane in Dallas.
For more ways that you can help VNA/Meals on Wheels, please click here.