Former Real Housewife to Co-Chair A Night for Nexus
Save the date and join Alesia CoffmanTurner and Bravo’s The Real Housewives of Dallas’ Cary Deuber as they chair A Night for Nexus benefiting Nexus Recovery Center on Friday, Oct. 25 at The Joule.

Alisha Laventure is the emcee.
As a very special treat, the kick-off will be an exclusive private party at Cary’s home with a sponsorship of the gala at $5,000 or more.
Nexus specializes in substance abuse services for females, offering programs for adult women and teenage girls ages 13 to 17, including those pregnant or accompanied by children.
Nexus offers one of the few programs that invite women to bring their children into treatment as they recover from substance abuse issues and beyond. Becca Crowell is president of Nexus Recovery Center.
Individual tickets begin at $300 with limited availability.
Sponsors include Texas Instruments, PaperCity magazine, and M2 The Rock/Michael Molthan.