Hockadaisies Headed to Legoland

A team of five Hockaday School girls is headed to California after taking third place in the ninth annual North Texas First Lego League (FLL) champion tournament. Veronica Fang, Riya Guttigoli, Sydney Slay, Morgan Day, and Sarah Crow, collectively known as The Hockadaisies, competed against nearly 600 North Texas teams.
The girl’s next test will be at the Legoland North American Open in Carlsbad, CA, May 19-21.
The Lego Competition was produced by the Perot Museum of Nature and Science. It featured teams of young “engineers in training” presenting research projects, teamwork skills, and robot design strategies. Each of them created and programmed an autonomous robot using Lego technology to score points in 2.5-minute “mission” matches on an animal-themed playing field.